Tuesday, 1 August 2017

On Fire for Anxiety 12


Even more of a focus on positivity and healing with this week’s comic, with a focus on the importance to me for meditation, and balance. As we are moving into the holiday season it seems appropriate to take a short hiatus from my weekly web comic for the month of December. Not simply for content reasons, but work also is booming. As well I need a bit of time to consider my plans moving forward for my own comics projects in 2017.

Meditation for me has been a practice I have used on and off through most of my life. When I was younger I participated in spiritual classes intended for those under the age of 13. Over the years the practice would slip, in and out of use. I often found it difficult to find the time, the focus. But as recently my life has become much more balanced and scheduled it became easier to include it as part of my day. The regular practice of meditation, of balancing and clearing helps creating a safe space to explore the darker places of myself to gain a better understanding of the root of the negative emotions I have been experiencing.

I feel unlike some that may actually have chemical imbalances or mental illness related to brain abnormalities, my issues are rooted in past traumatic incidents. Part of healing these issues will be coming to terms with these incidents and  as part of my healing process, include them in this comic. But these realizations are still rather fresh and tender. As well as how exactly to present them as a conclusion to this comic, is currently eluding me. Up to this point this has been an almost running train of thought, now I want to consider a final structure to wrap up this piece.

Aside from how to complete on fire for anxiety, I feel my time does need to focus back on some of my larger projects such as Proxy, and The Twisted Tale of the Tortured Raven. I do have several different books going at once, though not an ideal set up it works well for me to have many things to move between as outlets of expression. I also plan to do a restructuring to the Patreon, as I have had some small interest in going in a different direction with it and I need to at least to simplify some of the options available to make it much easier to pledge.

For the most part aside from a lot of painful emotional realizations personally, and a world seeming to be going crazy outside my door, 2016 was a solid year for me with my artistic goals. I’m grateful I’ve had the projects to lose myself in, and look forward to some new ones I’m starting now. I’m glad this year had much more comic illustration. I do look forward to taking a break over Christmas though I barely saw summer this year and need a bit of time to creatively recharge.

If you would like to support my work you can do so at http://www.patreon.com/beccatr


On Fire for Anxiety 12

Monday, 31 July 2017

On Fire for Anxiety 11


This week I actually wanting to give more thought to my process of healing. I’ve been doing a lot of personal soul-searching and a lot of research online in regards to anxiety, depression and anything that may give me help and insight into what has been effecting me recently and various methods of therapy available. I have taken a break from Facebook, something that was suggested could aggravate the things I’ve been feeling. Like a puzzle that has confounded me I am determined to work towards a solution.

In doing this I am having to look at things I haven’t in years, tracing back the roots of my negative behavior to generally a single moment where that pattern took root. Much of it is too much to share here yet in its entirety, as I am only starting to scratch the surface of the “hows” and “whys”. Yet there is much that is becoming more clear and though the path is long and will be painful, I see that it is a path to healing through acceptance and forgiveness of myself and others.

Short and sweet, just a bit overwhelmed this week. 😉

If you would like to support my work you can do so at http://www.patreon.com/beccatr

On Fire for Anxiety 11

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

On Fire for Anxiety 10


This week’s comic addresses the rather darker aspect of self-mutilation, I bounced back and forth if I should include this panel. Though I have been free from it for years my skin itself speaks the truth of what a prevalent part of my life it once was, so I finally decided I needed to include it.

It’s strange so many years later to have found a better understanding as to why this was so effective and addictive for me. If the anxiety that, I’m coming to realize, seems to have always been a part of my life is a result of an overactive, and unnecessary fight or flight response. The calming effect of causing damage was undeniable, with the release of endorphins the flame brain would finally calm, and I would experience a kind of peace and relaxation that was and still is rare for me to know.

But my arms would end up just covered with cuts, which for the most part I wouldn’t hide. It became too much, I knew it wasn’t a solution, it was just dysfunctional. I broke the pattern so long ago but still it was like any other addiction, you have to be firm with the decision, understand that you may relapse, but keep pushing forward with your goal.

I still struggle with many of my feelings every day, using this comic and blog to help me better understand myself, where these feelings are coming from and how to heal these parts of myself. I’m hope that making these public may mean that maybe my experience can help someone else too. Even if it’s just to let them know they are not alone.

Many resources are available, I started by speaking with my doctor, and found I had many options from group therapy to one on one counseling. The first step is to reach out and tell someone to talk about how you feel, and to ask for help.

If you would like to support my work you can do so at http://www.patreon.com/beccatr

On Fire for Anxiety 10

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

On Fire for Anxiety 9


With the completion of NPC I’m back to work on my own weekly web comic. I missed it, I definitely find it cathartic, and I’ve had some challenges facing my very chaotic emotions recently. But it is a bit like trying to pick up a train of thought again, I kind of forgot where I was going. Especially, as it seems surprisingly appropriate after the presidential election yesterday! This week’s comic focuses on the final stage of an attack for me. Tears, that extinguishes the flames. Though I am often left feeling burnt out depressed and often extremely guilty. The high intensity burn of the anxiety finally subsides. But for how long.

Crying though often seen as something bad to be stopped or avoided, I’ve always tried to view as a necessary release. It surprised me when I considered how often I use crying as a positive release is to aid my normal functionality, many mornings as I begin warming up for my days illustrating I play music I can sing to. Often I become moved to tears over the expression of a sad song and I cry a bit. I feel all good art stems from emotion, and it’s good to stir things up. I also found that release in the morning even if I had nothing in particular to cry brought about my calmer, more inspired more productive days. So maybe for me expression through the tears, through expression through singing really does help quench my flame brain.

If you would like to support my work you can do so at http://www.patreon.com/beccatr

On Fire for Anxiety 9

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

On Fire for Anxiety 8


This week I look at how I “break down” when the strain of the anxiety becomes too much. Unlike the typical panic attack, my breakdowns often involve a blind rage that can cause me to lash out unexpectedly all around me!  I may yell at nothing or verbally attack and blame others. I may become more physical, stomping and banging on things, or throwing things, possibly breaking them. At my worst when I was young I would self mutilate. A topic I hope to explore further in these comics.

But for the moment I have to take a short hiatus from doing my weekly Wednesday web comic, as I have been hired to do another web comic that releases on Tuesdays and Fridays, I’m super excited about it. So stay aware, I will be sharing links!

If you would like to support my work you can do so at http://www.patreon.com/beccatr

On Fire for Anxiety 8